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Mistakes During Event Marketing

Event marketing is a process of promoting a product, service or organization and many other such things to display.
Everyone makes mistakes when marketing an event. As when it comes to events we have to cover lots of things and we forget to cover them all. Following are the main things we should avoid at any cost when marketing an event:


While planning events we can easily make mistakes or can forget some important things for event marketing.
Before you start any marketing you should know why you’re doing it and what you exactly need to do. Cause without knowing you can never reach your destination on time.
Try planning your event on time as it is the main factor in planning. If you have more time to plan, you can do it well. Always try to plan more and more. Set proper expectations for the event, including training your staff and reviewing messaging.
Make sure to have a plan and a backup plan and tell that backup plan to your staff too.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. @chalchalen

In all that don’t forget to manage budget that will be needed to complete the event in successful manner. And always keep some extra money to fulfill all other needs that can be faced. See How To Plan A Successful Event

Staff Needed:

You need to organize your staff for an event to run successfully. Nothing looks worse than having staff standing around and doing nothing. Make sure everyone knows what the plan is and assign them their duties. Don’t forget to have few people on standby.
Remember the event staff will help you in running your event successfully.  So try treating them with respect.
The main point is every staff member is different from each other-differing strengths and weaknesses. And the easiest way of handling this is simply asking them what they’re good at. You can then assign them duties which suit them. This will help your event to be successful.


One of the biggest mistakes you can make during the event is one sided conversation where only speaker can talk.
As marketers we should always find the ways to engage with our audience. The best way is turning on chat functions on social media, talking face to face and letting your audience to ask questions. It will help you getting feedback on real time and also a way of getting their attention.


Social Media Overkill. It’s beyond Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There are hundreds of platforms you could be marketing your event on.
But try finding the most effective one to reach your audience and put your resources and time on it. The biggest mistake marketers do is that they don’t choose two or three platforms rather they try putting things on many. But the thing is that, they then become unable to manage single one. So try using two to three platforms to put your resources and time properly. If you’re not sure which ones those are, send a survey.
Give them something useful and reliable, and they will come back again and again.


Try planning early, and make sure you stay on top of all the deadlines.
Biggest mistake people do is, not building a schedule based on your event deadline. Through this they always forget some important things to be done for the event.
So try identifying your event date and building a schedule based on the deadlines that need to be met.
The marketing team should be completing all the things needed for the event a week before to make some time for reviewing them.You should avoid all the mistakes mentioned above to make your event successful.

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